PISA: A Remarkable Journey Toward Sustainability

In the ever-evolving landscape of international trade, where regulations and standards are constantly shifting, PISA,

PISA: A Remarkable Journey Toward Sustainability

In the ever-evolving landscape of international trade, where regulations and standards are constantly shifting, PISA, a distinguished player in the cacao industry, today stands as a testament to commitment and adaptability. As the European Union (EU) introduced stringent regulations to combat deforestation, forced labor, and ensure social and environmental sustainability, PISA embarked on the journey not only to comply with these new standards but to lead the way among cacao-producing companies in sustainable cacao production.

PISA's commitment to the principles of traceability and transparency has been at the heart of its operations from the very beginning. Recognizing the significance of these values, the company took a pioneering step by producing double-certified cacao. This not only promised a higher price to the producers but also reduced their risk exposure. PISA's mantra is simple: buy directly from the producers.

In today's world, where environmental concerns and sustainable practices have taken center stage, the European Union unveiled even more stringent regulations to ensure that key goods, including cacao, do not contribute to deforestation and forest degradation. This initiative demands that importing companies take on the responsibility of verifying and showing the land history of their products.

In the face of these new regulatory challenges, PISA, under the leadership of its field coordinator, Isarel Louis, decided to embrace innovation. To comply with the EU's requirements, PISA’s team turned to the Kobocollect application – a tool that allowed them to gather and manage essential land and produce data efficiently.

I am amazed at what we can analyze using the Kobocollect app,” said Isarel Louis. “I embarked on an intensive training program, mastering the intricacies of this app. I learned how to collect data effectively. This newfound expertise empowered me to oversee a team of 24 internal controllers who were tasked with gathering necessary data in the fields.

With the Kobocollect application firmly in their grasp, PISA is not only poised to meet the EU's stringent requirements but also to elevate their traceability efforts to new heights. The journey does not end here; PISA is actively exploring ways to expand the application's usage to enhance traceability in their cacao purchasing processes.

As PISA continues to pioneer the way in sustainable cacao production in Haiti, their journey serves as a remarkable example of how a company can rise to meet the ever- evolving demands of a changing world.

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