
Successes in numbers

Working closely with over 1,500 organizations in 9 countries.

400 +
grants awarded to assist smallholder producers and their industries.
10 +
Years of improving Agricultural Market Systems in Haiti.
15 X
Agricultural Value Chains Strengthened.
12 Yrs
years providing Capacity Accompaniment services.


Institutional Capacity Accompaniment
At Papyrus, we accompany organizations to strengthen their institutional capacity for sustainable growth and impact. Through tailored strategies and comprehensive assistance, we help our clients and partners optimize their internal processes, systems, and resources to achieve their full potential.
Development Project Management
Papyrus effectively manages and implements development projects, ensuring successful outcomes and impactful results. With our expertise in project design, execution, and reporting, we navigate complex challenges through consultation and convening resulting in buy-in and well-coordinated activities.
Consortium Management and Partnerships
Collaborative partnerships are at the heart of our approach. We excel in managing consortia and fostering strategic partnerships that drive innovation, maximize resources, and amplify impact. Our inclusive and transparent approach ensures seamless coordination and alignment of efforts towards shared goals.
Fund Management Services
Papyrus manages grants and multi-donor and client funds ensuring timely disbursements, reporting, compliance and requested levels of impact oversight. The firm also provides comprehensive outsourced accounting and administrative services, including payroll, procurement, and bookkeeping, to streamline operations and optimize efficiency for our clients. We handle the complexities of financial and administrative tasks, allowing organizations to focus on their core mission with confidence.

Agriculture & 
Market Systems

For more than a decade, Papyrus has been at the forefront ofagricultural development in Haiti, working closely with the private sector, government at all levels, and other stakeholders to improve market systems. Our private partnerships have led to significant advances in sorghum, maize, bean, cacao, and vanilla production, including increased exports and organic certifications. Through public-private partnerships, we are fostering economic pathways that promote decent jobs and sustainable livelihoods. Papyrus remains committed to building resilient and viable agricultural market systems, sharing lessons learned, and facilitating collective growth.

Capacity Accompaniment and Organizational Enhancement

With 15 years of experience in capacity accompaniment services, Papyrus has supported over 1,500 organizations worldwide. Our approach has evolved from capacity organizational building to capacity accompaniment and organizational enhancement, leveraging the mutual learning and collective growth that these processes foster. Through programs such as the Civil Society Strengthening Program, we empower organizations to make a collective impact in their communities. Internationally, our collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation aims to strengthen the capacity of local partners to drive change at scale across Africa.

Civic Engagement, Community Resilience and Security

After 10 years of working with rural households in the South of Haiti, Papyrus and its partners decided to structure and scale this engagement.  Launched in 2020, our “Soudé” model is presented to communities as a model of civic engagement that brings together stakeholders from different sectors – private, academic, public, and civil society – around jointly chosen themes. It embraces the interconnectedness of communities as they draw on the diverse skills, knowledge, and resources of their members. Observing a charter and code of conduct, participants share their expertise through volunteer-led thematic commissions that analyze specific issues and make recommendations on how to contribute to the collective decision-making processes that shape their communities.

International Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange

Papyrus' commitment to international collaboration is exemplified through partnerships and knowledge exchanges across continents. From consulting on diverse issues in Africa to virtual exchanges between civil society groups in Haiti and Africa, we foster dialogue and learning. Our partnership with the Mastercard Foundation underscores our commitment to capacity enhancement and transformational change in Africa. Through intentional engagement and continuous learning, we strive to create meaningful impact worldwide.

success stories

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