Soudé Movement

The Soudé Movement began during the MAIS agricultural market systems development project in the South department of Haiti.

Soudé Movement

The Soudé Movement began during the MAIS agricultural market systems development project in the South department of Haiti. Its primary objective was to map the contributions of various sectors to value chains, analyze how these contributions fit into the economic strengthening of localities and communities, and facilitate action and cross-sectoral synergies. Participating sectors include Academia, Chambers of Commerce, local government, producer associations, donor funded projects, journalists and civil society watchdogs. Soudé has grown to become a coalition building and networking force: a multistakeholder dialogue space that facilitates and fosters connections among private sector, public sector, and CSO actors on national priorities. Soudé sessions and thematic commissions cover topics such as departmental strategy to answer crucial agricultural sector issues (e.g., access to inputs, credit and insurance), the involvement of municipalities in enforcing regulations, and the contribution of local communities to national initiatives.


The success of Sud-Soudé has prompted its replication in the north departments of Haiti, rechristened as Haïti-Soudé and sponsored by the Papyrus-led CSSP project and the PARE livestock project, in which Papyrus is a subcontractor.

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