Christine Sainvil

Christine Sainvil

Project Director



Christine Sainvil

Christine Sainvil is an international development expert with over 20 years of experience in various sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, education, gender, and social development. she has worked in diverse cultural contexts in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean with civil society organizations, donor and governmental agencies, cross-country teams, and business units, making significant contributions to capacity building and development initiatives.

Until 2019, Ms. Sainvil served as a senior consultant playing a key role in developing a centralized compliance platform for medical healthcare professionals, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards. Her work included advocacy for the implementation of a code of ethics to regulate interactions between the industry and healthcare communities.

In recent years, Ms. Sainvil has taken on the role of leading the implementation of a multi-million-dollar value chain project in the agriculture sector working closely with local government and private sector representatives to facilitate strategic partnerships.

Ms. Sainvil holds a master’s degree in international development management, specializing in poverty and disaster risk reduction, from the Open University in the United Kingdom.

Past experience

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