The Smallholder Alliance for Sorghum in Haiti (SMASH)


Papyrus managed the Smallholder Alliance for Sorghum in Haiti project, a large eight-year program initiated by Heineken and its local subsidiary, the Brasserie Nationale d’Haïti (BRANA) as part of Heineken’s Brewing a Better Future sustainability strategy.

SMASH was additionally funded by USAID-Haiti and the Inter-American Development Bank, allowing the project reach to triple its reach. This highly impactful project created a sustainable sorghum supply chain for BRANA and transformed participating communities in the process.

Papyrus is proud to have also managed the follow-on project “Pitimi Lakay” (Home-grown Sorghum), whose mission was to fully integrate core SMASH program activities into the brewery where it continues to be directly led by the BRANA team. That is sustainability!

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