Heineken consultancies

Following the successful implementation of the Smallholder Alliance for Sorghum in Haiti (SMASH) project.

Heineken consultancies

Following the successful implementation of the Smallholder Alliance for Sorghum in Haiti (SMASH) project, Papyrus was invited by Heineken to visit their breweries in Nigeria, Burundi, and Jamaica to share lessons-learning and new techniques developed in Haiti.

During these visits, the Papyrus team examined the entire value chain from farmers to breweries, focusing on challenges and solutions related to seed quality, soil fertility, planting densities, pest control, harvesting, mechanization, purchasing, shipping, inventory processes, aflatoxin management, and quality controls.

Papyrus presented this PPP and local leadership model at the International Sorghum Conference on "Challenges of Sustainable Sourcing in Haiti.” The presentation was well received by other experts and led to advancements in sorghum research to enhance the sustainability of Haiti's sorghum supply chain.

These activities allowed us to assess the maturity of Heineken's value chains and generate ideas for future initiatives in Haiti, such as commercial farming, service providers for quality equipment, long-term contracts with larger farms, and mechanization support for small farmers.

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